1. How to take start? When does my challenge begin?

To participate in the competition, complete the application form. The challenge starts April 6, 2022 to April 27, 2022. 

2. How do I add my activity data to the results?

You can find the exact instructions for adding a file with your activity in section “Adding Result” . Perhaps you are wondering how to download a gpx file? If so, you can read more about it in section “Downloading GPX". Remember that if you want to add more than one file per day, the file formats you add must be the same.

3. Where can I track my progress?

The current classifications are presented on the platform https://wyniki.b4sport.pl/let-s-move-together/m685.html

4.Can I add activities from participating in another run?

Yes, this is the advantage of our project. By running in competitions, you can simultaneously achieve your goals, challenges and benefit from rewards. Run wherever you want, but remember to add your activity scores to climb the leaderboard.

5. When should you add activities?

Classifications are generated automatically after the participant adds the result. Therefore, it is best to add activities immediately after completing the training.

6. How often are the results updated?

When taking part in the challenge, it's best to add files in gpx, tcx format or sync your activities from the Strava app, because this way your results will be uploaded to the results platform a few seconds after being added. If you are adding files in jpg format, please be patient as they require additional administrator verification.

7. How much time do I have to complete the challenge?

We start the game on April 6, 2022 and end on April 27, 2022. Remember that you can add results after registering in the virtual race. Activities with an earlier date will be automatically rejected by the system.

8. I want to take part in team challenge, how to participate?

In team challenge you create a team consisting of 4 members, the most the most diverse as you can (country, sex, age etc.). You need to register your team under the same name in registraion formula.