1.  Organizer
  1. Fundacja OCR Events, ul. Bernadowska 1, 81-553 Gdynia (Adventure Park sp. z o.o.)
  1. Time, place and implementation:
  1. Date: 6 October 2019
  2. Event site: Airport - Kosakowo Gdynia
  3. The schedule will be available on the FF Strongman Run fanpage on Facebook, on the website and in annexes to the regulations.
  1. Route
  1. The route is a track with a length of approx. 6, 10 and 21 km, which is located on the board of the airport in Gdynia Kosakowo and adjacent areas.
  2. Natural and constructed obstacles will be placed along the whole route.
  3. Each competitor can cover a maximum of 6, 10 or 21 km depending on the selected category.
  4. All competitors start at the same time and overcome obstacles jointly.
  1. Rules:
  1. The competitor who made the decision and began the run must finish it in order to be classified.
  2. Time measurement will be done electronically.
  3. Each competitor must have an identification chip attached to the left or right leg at the level of the ankle for electronic time measurement. Placing the chip in another place or its removal during the Run will be punished by disqualification. No deposit will be charged at the time of chip rental. Competitors who do not return the chip immediately after finishing the Run will be disqualified.
  4. A competitor who can not overcome the obstacle can continue running.
  5. Unsportsmanlike behaviour towards other participants (preventing from tackling an obstacle, interfering with tackling an obstacle, etc.) and judges (ignoring, using vulgarisms, insults, etc.) will be punished with disqualification.
  6. Different types of costumes/fancy dress are welcome - the crazier, the better.
  1. Checkpoints and timeout:


  1. Control points – measuring mats will be placed on the route of the run.
  2. Time limit for the FUN RUN category (6 km) - 2 hours.
  3. Time limit for the STRONG category (10 km) - 3 hours.
  4. Time limit for the ORIGINAL category (21 km) - 5 hours.



  1. Registration:


  1. Registration fee:
    1. One participant
  • Cat. FFSR FUN RUN – PLN 210
  • Cat. FFSR STRONG – PLN 250
  • Cat. FFSR ORIGINAL – PLN 290


  1. Team of four
  • Cat. FFSR FUN RUN – PLN 700
  • Cat. FFSR STRONG – PLN 848
  • Cat. FFSR ORIGINAL – PLN 1000



  1. Each running round has a limit of participants indicated on the registration site.
  2. Signing up for the Run requires filling out the electronic form on the event page and a payment of registration fee.
  3. The registration fee is only valid for return if a participant withdraws from the purchase within two weeks of making the payment.
  4. Electronic registration for the Run is open until 30 September 2019.
  5. It is not possible register for the Race on the day of the event.



  1. Participants take part in FISHERMAN'S FRIEND STRONGMANRUN at their own risk. Providing the Organizer with a correctly completed Registration Form and the payment of the entry fee means that the Participant considered and assessed the nature, scope and degree of risk associated with participation in the FFSR, including accident hazards, possible personal injury and physical injuries as well as damage and property losses and voluntarily decided to take this risk.
  2. The judge of the competition, whose decisions are final, decides about admission to the start.
  3. All competitors starting in the run must be verified in the Event Office on the day of the competition, in the hours specified in the schedule.
  4. The Organizer provides a place to change and a washing point after the run, as well as a bags storage (PLN 20) available during working hours of the Event Office. The Organizer is not responsible for unattended belongings of the runners.
  5. The condition for classification of the competitor is running along the approved route and finishing the run within the time limit. Participants who do not finish the race within the required time limit will not be classified.
  6. These regulations apply to all participants.
  7. Participation in the run is allowed to individuals who:
  • have registered via registration form and paid a fee,
  • will turn 18 on the day of the competition
  • are aged 16-18 will be allowed to take part in the run after presenting a written consent of the parent or,
  • who do not have medical contraindications to participate in endurance-type endurance sports, who reported their participation,
  • will sign or sign by proxy, and in the case of minors by a statutory representative, a statement on the ability to participate in the FFSR and present a photo ID at the Event Office.
  1. Classification:
  1. The best participant in the categories of men and women at each of the distances is classified and awarded.
  1. The decoration and awarding will take place on the day of the competition.
  2. The prizes will not be sent by post.
  3. After the verification, the results will be posted on the Internet:
  1. Registration:
  1. The Organizer manages the event registration according to the order in which the registrations are made and the entry fees are paid, until the limits of places in individual turns are exhausted. Registration is open until 30 September 2019 inclusive. The registration must be made via the website.

The registration fee covers the costs of:

• accident insurance

• medical care along the route

• commemorative medal

• meal after the run


The Organizer does not refund the registration fee to participants who do not attend the start at the appointed time or have resigned from the event after the registration.

  1. If you want to change the application form (personal data, team name, start-up wave), changes will only be made after providing the confirmation of a money transfer (PLN 40.00 minimum) for any charitable purpose.


  1. Final remarks:
  1. The start number must be placed in a visible place.
  2. It is forbidden to clutter the route (the runner must take all the packaging after nutrients and all other rubbish to the finish line). In the case when the participant is caught cluttering the route they is immediately disqualified!
  3. The Organizer reserves the right to decide on any disputes not covered by these regulations.
  4. The Organizer reserves the right to change the program of the event (without prior notification of the participants) resulting from unforeseen situations.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the rules of the event. The final version of the regulations will be available before the start of the Run in the Event Office.
  6. The Organizer reserves the right to use the image and comments of the participants who take part in the event free of charge for promotional purposes.
  7. The Organizer reserves the right to use all photos, film materials, interviews and sound recordings of the race participants free of charge worldwide. They can be used by the Organizer by placing on carriers, in catalogs and on the media, on websites, in newspapers and at exhibitions, as well as on promotional and advertising needs related to the activities carried out by the Organizer.




If you have any questions or problems, we encourage you to use the tickets form. It will allow quick contact with the organizer or system administrator.

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